Multifunction DAQ

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control motor speed

Hello, may I know how do I control the speed of the motor using NI 6356 with labview and how do I connect it? the attached file is the motor detail. Please advice me. Thanks.

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Message 1 of 2

Step 1: Decide what range of motor speeds, loads & accelerations you wish to control. Also decide whether you wish to change the motor direction.

Step 2: Find a qualified electrical/electronic engineer who can do this wthout killing themselves or anyone else.


I'm sorry to be so harsh, but the question reveals such a lack of knowledge and unwillingness to google that any advice suggesting you can do this yourself could result in a hazard to you and all those around you.


Now, google around a bit and get some idea of the hazards associated with mains electrical power, switching, protection, immobilisation and signal isolation. Then come back when you have a specific question.

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