I'm trying to write a short program to test reaction times using LabVIEW. It needs to time the reactions of a person to a visual stimulus on the monitor, so I need some way of looking at the monitor refresh to avoid a ~20ms error. I note that previously
people have used Active-X controls to access DirectDraw for the GetVerticalBlankStatus, GetScanLine and WaitForVerticalBlank:http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&message.id=177811
My problem is I know nothing about Active-X controls or DirectDraw. I've placed an automation refnum on the from panel, selected DIRECTLib.I_dxj_DirectDraw, and wired this to an Invoke node, but I can't seem to get it to do anything! Any advice? (I'm using LV6.1)