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Error 1074388947 at CAN Open Object, Exceed resource limit

Dear All,
Basically, I'm listening to 5 frames from NI-CAN, and I can't listen to the sixth...
To be more precise, I'm listening to STAT1, STAT2, EXT1, EXT2 and I'm sending commands to CMD.
When I try to add a "hearing" on the BITE frame, I obtain the error:
"1074388947 occured at NI-CAN Open Object (
NI-CAN: Exceeded resource limit for queues in shared memory between firmware/driver. The ncReadmult function is not allowed. Solutions: Decrease queue lengths in objects; Set read queue length to at least 2; Decrease number of CAN Objects."
I can't see any significative parameter to change...
I'm doing a ncConfigCANNET + ncOpen + ncSetAttr, then for each frames: ncConfigCANObj + ncOpen + ncSetAttr + ncCreateOccur.
That's when I'm adding the sixth frame's part, I get the error at the output of the ncOpen.
Does someone knows what's happening ?
Thanks for any help you could give me, even if it's just a thought... Thanks in advance ! I'm quite desperate actually...
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Message 1 of 3
This is a KB wich could help.
Message 2 of 3
Thanks Johan,
Your link helped me a lot !
My problem (theoricaly, because I can't test it right now...) comes from an overflow of memory in the CAN card.

Memory_used = (( Queue_length +1) x Entry_size) + 30
with Entry_size equal to 8 for command frames and 16 for reading frames.

All together was above 6600 which is the memory size available.
I just need to reduce the Queue_length, but now I know how many to reduce !!!!
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Message 3 of 3