Multifunction DAQ

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Can Anyone Please help me out with this.....

   I'm having a Data Acquisition  Software that was developed by a programmer long before. My my Card PCI 6013 stopped working and I purchased a new card. When I installed my new card, the software does not work telling that configuration not found.  It also has a file named "NIDAQCard.cfg" in the program files folder. The person who developed the software is not available now, please advice me how to solve out this issue. I hope that you guys would help me.

Thanks in advance
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 13
Whenever you replace a card, a new device ID is assigned to it.
so all you have to do is either use this new device ID in your data acquisition program,
or go to Max and change the Device ID of the new device to the ID that is set as default in your Program
You have not given sufficient Detalis about your software, not even if it is in labVIEW, CVI, C etc
Such a kind of details, will help us to suggest better.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 13
  Thanks devchander . The person has developed the program in VB and I have only the executables. I can also find a file named NIDAQCard.cfg file in the program files folder. Can I do anything with that or can I create a new configuration?? Please help me.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13
  Thanks again. How can I use MAX to find the device ID of the CARD. I mean what should I do?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 13

Does this application have a utility, from where you can modify your config file??

Without looking at code, all I can do is guess that this config file may have the Device number, channel list maybe with channel names, settings etc. ( unless ofcourse, the device ID and channel list are hardcoded)

Just post a copy of this NIDAQCard.cfg file ( i hope it is an ascii file)

And I will see what best assistance can I be




Message Edited by devchander on 09-08-2006 03:30 AM

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 13
  Thank you very much for your quick response. The file is not in readable format. Can you please give me your email so that I can send you the file as an attachment? I tried to disassemble the executable file after I saw your message and I can see many numbers in that file. But when i tried to disassemble the NIDAQCard.Cfg file I am unable to do anything with that. i.e I can read it out

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 13
Dear Dev
         I forgot to tell you that the software does not have any config utility.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 13

Try posting the cfg file ( if it is small) as an attachment in the Forums reply message itself. ( see below the Message body box)

or my ID is

But I cannot access my email for next few hours. so if you send it to my mail ID, my reply will take time.

Message Edited by devchander on 09-08-2006 03:58 AM

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 13
Dear Dev
  I'm waiting for your reply. Please try to sort out my issue. I hope that you will help me,.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 13
Dear Dev

Here is the file

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Message 10 of 13