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Occasional GPIB Error -1073807342/-1073807300

I am running a test with a CSA7404B (Tektronix Communication Sigal Analyzer). The system is expected to run for about 7-8 days without interrruption while communicating to this instrument. Occasionally (after 48 hours of running without problems), I get the one of the two errors mentioned above. I dont have multiple open visa sessions. Any ideas?
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Message 1 of 14
Error -1073807342 mostly is caused when the resource name passed to VISA Open is incorrect. Try to adress your device directly such as: GPIB0::5::INSTR. Make sure not changing GPIB adress on your target device ((Tektronix) while communicating with it.

As a precaution for error -1073807300 prove following. Is there really only one session opened ?

If one of both errors occur, try to open a VISA session and communicate with your instrument via MAX (Measurement & Automation Explorer). Further try to reset your remote GPIB device.

How do you procedure when this error occurs ? Do you restart your VI which is responsible for communication ( or LabVIEW completly) ? Do you reset your GPIB device ? Do you restart your PC ?
Is this error dependent on your GPIB device (does this error also occur if you communicate with an other
instrument) ?

What GPIB Card you are using ?

Maybe you can attach your GPIB communication vi realized with VISA VI´s ?
Message 2 of 14
In addition to what Indiana suggested, I would get a Spy capture of your system. You can tell pretty easily in a spy capture whether or not you have multiple VISA sessions open. Only possible trouble with this is trying to get a VISA capture over the course of multiple days. Anyhow, if you can, please post a capture.

Logan S.
Message 3 of 14
THanks for the responses. The reason I think I dont have multiple sessions in my code is that I Initialize the CSA at the beginning of the code using the tktds7k and write the output handle to a Global VISA Resource Variable. I then use this VIA Resource variable wherever I need a handle to the CSA.
I will use the NI SPY to post a capture
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Message 4 of 14
Also, I am actually using a Ethernet to GPIB converter, but I got the same error when I was communicating directly to the instrument using a GPIB card in the computer.
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Message 5 of 14
Also, how do you tell in NI SPY if there are multiple sessions?
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Message 6 of 14
I have attached a zip file with this reply. There is a VI called TOP This VI is representative of what I am doing in the code. Please let me know if something is not clear
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Message 7 of 14
When you have the SPY capture open, choose the VIEW menu. Inside the VIEW menu you should see different options to view individual threads and/or processes. If two sessions are open at the same time, there's a good chance you can find this by viewing only one thread. The other way to see if you have two sessions in NI-SPY is to see if there are different VI Session numbers in your function calls. Hopefully this helps you see if you have multiple sessions open.

Logan S.
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Message 8 of 14
I just have a quick question for you about your use of globals. If I'm looking at it correctly, it looks like rather than simply passing data in and out of subVIs by making connections in and out of the subVIs and passing data through wires, you're using globals for all of the data transfer. Anyhow, is there a particular reason why you have chosen to use globals? Globals, while available when necessary, are not inherently part of the LabVIEW dataflow model, and over-using them can result in slowed performance of your application.

Logan S.
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Message 9 of 14
I have a capture file. The viWrite and viReadAsync seems to share same same sessions, however the viGetAttribute has a different session. I am not sure how to analyze this file. Also the query before #31, #32 (#28: VARIABLE:VALUE? "status") is when I typically get the VISA read error that I started off with. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks a tonne
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Message 10 of 14