Hey Garrett,
There are a two scenerios here, so let me see if I can address each one.
Scenerio 1
- Gateway A is on channel 15 with Node A attached and communicating.
- User adds Node A to Gateway B that is operating on a different channel (Any channel but 15).
- As long as Node A is not factory reset or told to disconnect from Gateway A (pressing the signal strength button for 5 seconds), the node will remain connected to Gateway A.
Note: If Node A is factory reset or told to disconnect, there is a chance Node A could find Gateway B before finding Gateway A. In that case, Node A would join Gateway B, and not rejoin Gateway A.
Scenerio 2
- Gateway A is on channel 15 with Node A attached and communicating.
- User adds Node A to Gateway B on a that is operating on the same channel (Channel 15)
- In this case, Node A would remain connected to Gateway A until there was some sort of network event causing the node to drop off, or if the node resets (power cycle, user forced, etc). In this case, Node A would begin scanning channel 15 again, and could run into to either gateway first, join up, and then not join the other. This is obviously not a recommened setup.
Let me know if you need any further explaination.
National Instruments
WSN/Wireless DAQ Product Support Engineer