First (NI Package Manager):
I want to be able to Uninstall the NI packet Manager alone using a bat script. I found a command online which is:
"nipkg remove --force-essential --force-locked --yes". This commands Uninstalls the Packet manager alright but it removes all the other NI Softwares along.
This is not what i want. Therefore I checked the Windows Registry to find the NI Packet Manager entry to get the Uninstall string which i could use to Uninstall the NI Package Manager alone. I found the entry in the windows registry, but there wasn't an Uninstall String.
How can i Uninstall the package Manager alone without removing all other softwares and packages, Or how can i get the NI Package Manager Uninstall string.
Second (NI Drivers):
In the past with older versions, NI Drivers such as NI-488.2 after installation, you could find their entries in the windows registry. I couldn't find an entry for NI-488.2 driver v19.5 after installation. I usually used to check the windows registry to see if the correct version of the driver have been installed.
Why aren't there entries in the Windows Registry anymore for the newer versions of drivers such as NI-488.2 v19.5?