BTW If anyone wonders what is the difference between the package
and the family
in NILicensingCmd.exe
switch), I explain.
The family is like the whole tool without distinguishing between the license subtype and the package is a specific license type, e.g. base, debug, full/professional. Yes, I know that my description is not very precise, so I suggest checking the content of C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\License Manager\ProductInfo
to see possible families and C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\License Manager\Licenses
to see possible packages.
LabVIEW packages BDS, FDS, PDS, and PDSD are most probably LabVIEW Base, LabVIEW Full, LabVIEW Professional and LabVIEW debug and deployment (?).
Michał Bieńkowski
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