I saw the reminder that some of the functions in legacy API are deprecated without listing them out. Are the functions currently in the document all working?
I am not sure if this works...
My attempt:
import time
from niveristand.legacy import NIVeriStand
def set_channel(wks, channel_name, v1):
wks.SetSingleChannelValue(channel_name, v1)
def set_multiple_channels(wks, channel_name_list, v_list):
wks.SetMultipleChannelValues(channel_name_list, v_list)
# for (channel_name, v1) in zip(channel_name_list, v_list):
# set_channel(wks, channel_name, v1)
def get_channel(wks, channel_name):
y = wks.GetSingleChannelValue(channel_name)
return y
def get_multiple_channels(wks, channel_name_list):
y_list = wks.GetMultipleChannelValue(channel_name_list)
return y_list
def initiate_veristand(niveristand_path, model_path):
wks = NIVeriStand.Workspace2("localhost")
wks.ConnectToSystem(model_path, True, 120000)
def stop_veristand(wks):
wks.DisconnectFromSystem('', True)