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Veristand 2010 deploy/connection error

I'm having a problem upgrading a VS 2.0 system to VS2010 (PXI-8110 rt).

I removed completely the old sw from the target, uploaded the new 2010 sw from Max. Everything is ok, the target boots as expected, but from the host pc it is not possible to deploy the configuration.

The communication with the target is ok, from Max or ftp, everything is working, but VS cannot connect to the rt target.

Here is the consolle output:


LabVIEW Real-Time Executive
Build Time: Jun 24 2010 15:44:10
(C) Copyright 2002-2010 National Instruments Corporation

MAX system identification name: PXI-Eldor

LabVIEW Real-Time SMP Kernel: CPU cores found: 4
Initializing network...
Device 1 - MAC addr: 00:80:2F:11:C7:24 - /16 (primary - static)
System Web Server started
NI-RIO Server 3.5 started successfully.

NI-VISA Server 5.0 started successfully.

Startup Application: c:\ni-rt\startup\NI VeriStand.rtexe

Welcome to LabVIEW Real-Time 10.0
Loading c:\ni-rt\NIVeriStand2010\SystemDefinitionData.nivscfg

System Definition Details

System error encountered.
Error code: -307729
Error Message: NI VeriStand:  The system definition file is missing. Deploy a val
id system definition file from the host computer.

NI VeriStand:  Empty Configuration

System awaiting new configuration from client.


Here is the error reported by VS:


• Loading System Definition file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI VeriStand 2010\Projects\Example\Sinewave Delay.nivssdf
• Initializing TCP subsystem...
• Starting TCP Loops...
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The VeriStand Gateway encountered an error while deploying the System Definition file.

Error -307850 occurred at Project Window.lvlib:Project >> NI_VS Workspace ExecutionAPI.lvlib:NI VeriStand - Connect to

Possible reason(s):

NI VeriStand:  The target cannot be reached. Verify that the Ethernet cable is connected to the real-time (RT) target and that the RT target is enabled and running.
NI VeriStand:  Server TCP Interface.lvlib:TCP Connection
NI VeriStand:  Version Mismatch. Target Version:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
• Unloading System Definition file...


Attached are the sw configurations of the target and the host.

One more not: the communication to a similar system based on a controller 8108 with VS2010 is fine!

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0 Kudos
Message 1 of 13

The console output is totally normal for a freshly formatted NIVS target.  It's  telling you there's no system definition to run because you haven't deployed one yet.


The error says to check the network configuration (I assume it's good if the text in your post came directly from the RT console viewer and if you can FTP and MAX to the controller).  Make sure the IP is correct on the Controller Configuration page (different place than NIVS 2009).


There's also a known issue in NIVS 2010 that causes the -307729 error if there's an FPGA personality in the 2009 IN4 file that's mutated to a 2010 nivssdf.  I don't think this applies to your case because it looks like you're deploying the 2010 shipping example that should not have any FPGA in the definition.  If for some reason there is FPGA in that definition, highlight the FPGA target and click Refresh to resolve this known issue.  


I suggest you create a create a new, blank project (with nothing in the system definition) and see if you can deploy it to the 8110.  If that works, add one component at a time until you encounter a component that fails; then you can investigate further.  If the blank project doesn't deploy to the 8110, I suggest you archive your data off of the 8110 and format the controller rather than simply upgrading the software.  This can resolve a variety of issues, including the evil one where you receive new hardware that has a more recent version of a driver than your host.


If you reformat, I suggest highlighting only the NI VeriStand RT Engine 2010 and selecting it for install.  Let the NI VeriStand RT Engine component bring in the required dependencies.


What do you mean by VS 2.0?



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 13

The IP configuration is ok in controller configuration.

There are no FPGA personalities or custom devices.

I tried uploading a blank project and the result does not change.

If I try to run the project on localhost it works.

Formatting is the last option as the PXI chassis is embedded in a rack case, and it's not that easy to reach (since formatting works only in safe mode). What I did was to remove all the sw from Max, than delete via FTP all the files on the controller, nothing was left. Alfter that I rebooted and installed only VS2010 and it's automatic dependencies. It should be pretty much the same as formatting the target. Anyway, that did not change the outcome, still no communication.

One thing that I can add is that other SW components work as expected. If I make a real-time project, I can connect to the target and run sw with no problem.

VS 2.0 is the internal version code of VS2009 (the one that you see from Max when you install sw on the target).


I repeat, the same configuration on a 8108 controller works fine.


Any other ideas?



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13

The error you are seeing is the result of the VeriStand host application failing to handshake properly with the target. The host is apparently successfully connecting to the specified target IP address, but that target does not reply in an expected manner to the host.


I have not seen this happen when both the target and host are running the same version of NI VeriStand.


My first thoughts would be:

1. The target IP points to the wrong machine

2. The target IP points to the correct machine, but it is not running the correct version of the VeriStand Engine. For instance this might happen if VeriStand 2.0 was still installed on the target.


You seem to have checked against both these options, so I'm a little puzzled.

Jarrod S.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 13

Did you ever have any Beta versions of NI VeriStand installed?

Jarrod S.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 13

I did not install any beta versions on the laptop I current use.

I don't see how a different version of the engine could be running if the boot messages say that Veristand 2010 is running. The application was installed by the same PC that I use as the host, so there should be no version mismatch.


Also, I repeated the setup procedure (delete everything and install from Max) from a different machine, but the results did not change.


Can you confirm that if I delete all the files from the controller and reboot, the controller can be considered clean as it would be if formatted?






0 Kudos
Message 6 of 13

Uninstalling all SW from MAX should force the controller into Safe Mode - Improper Installation.  From that state I think you can format from MAX and reinstall without connecting a keyboard.  I tried your technique full here and it seemed to work; but my system doesn't show the issue you're describing.  What is your process for toggling between a LabVIEW RT target and a NIVS Engine target?  Is it possible there's something lingering or missing when going between the two?



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 13

To manage the switch between RT and VS mode I copy the ni-rt.ini file backed up from a fresh VS installation.

I'll try the format procedure described.




0 Kudos
Message 8 of 13

I was able to replicate the problem on my PXI unit (8108). It's rather strange, anyway here it is:


- the problem occurs only when I'm trying to connect directly to the PXI with a cable through a peer-to-peer link (i.e. no routers in between).


With that configuration (win7 x64, firewall disabled, antivirus disabled) Veristand cannot establish a communication with the target. If I try the same going through my office router (PCI connected with a cable to the router, my laptop connected WIFI, router connected to the internet) everything works!


Another thing, using the configuration through the router, with the DSL cable detached (no link) VS2010 does not work. It is something related to the internet connection availability. 


Again, I have to say that even in configuration P2P every other services work (MAX, FTP, VS2009, etc...), only VS2010 refuses to connect.


It has to be something related to Win7 and the new VS2010 engine. The things do not change if running VS2010 on the VM in XPmode.


Even if things are a little clearer now, the solution is still to be found. Our customer is still waiting...





0 Kudos
Message 9 of 13

Replied with a private message.

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Message 10 of 13