08-29-2019 03:38 AM
Hello friends,
<System environment> :
Matlab 2013a 64bit
Veristand 2016
Visual C++ 9 x86
In the Win 10 operating system, when I compiled the model with Matlab 2013b 64bit and succeeded, I imported the dll in VeriStand 2016 and input the value at the Numeric control of the Workspace panel, but the Indicator has no output.
But I used the win7 (32bit) operating system to compile the model with Matlab2013b 32bit and succeeded. After imported the dll in VeriStand 2016 and input the value at the Numeric control of the Workspace panel, there is normal output.
Would like to ask, compile 64bit is missing the specified compiler or Modelinterface?
12-03-2019 07:58 PM
Hi Tony1983,
I am browsing the forum discussion and see your topic.
Did you solve the problem?
As your description, it seems the issue is the different execution of the development tool (32-bit/64-bit).
I found an topic below: https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z0000019QFTSA2
For your reference.