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VS Workspace : "Data logging control" --> "Download target file to host" option


I don't know how to use the "Download target log file to host" option available on the logger configuration from the VS workspace

The log file on the target has to be downloaded to the host destination path ? but nothing appends and no errors too.


Je n'arrive pas à comprendre et à mettre en oeuvre l'option "Download target log file to host" disponible dans la configuration du logger du workspace de veristand.
Nous nous attendions à ce que le fichier du logger embarqué "VCD embedded data logger" présent sur la cible, à priori dans un état final (plus en train de logger) allait être rappatrié (via FTP ?) dans le dossier de destination spécifié...
Les premières constatations font état d'aucun mouvement et pas d'erreur non plus. Quel est le lien également avec les voies loggées par control VS ?

Best regards,

Best regards,
Heberger image Heberger image
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

This feature will download log files that are closed when the host-side log configured by the Log Control is active. So in order to be downloaded, you'd need the Embedded Data Logger to close its current file instance sometime during the host-side log execution. You can do this by setting the Command channel for the Embedded Data Logger to 2 (I believe) to close the current file. This will send the notification to the Log Control which will then download the file.

Jarrod S.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

You can use the Macros feature in the Workspace Log Control to play a macro before and after the logging operation to control the Embedded Data Logger to ensure that its logging starts and stops in order to properly download the log file. See the attached Engine Demo project for an example. It has an Embedded Data Logger instance in it, and its Workspace Log Control turns it on and off using macros recorded using the Macro Recorder tool.

Jarrod S.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Ok, nice, thank you.


It seems to work, I will check and come back to you if needed

Best regards,
Heberger image Heberger image
Message 4 of 5



I'm writing the workspace log functionalities with C# code. I found the doc of the correct namespace at this link:


But I don't found classes and methods to manage this useful function: "Download target log files to host".


Someone have some other details or info about this topic?


Thank you,




0 Kudos
Message 5 of 5