Hi All,
We are trying to explore the option of synchronizing our PXIe-6612 counter/time module with the PXIe-8510 XNET card for the purpose of aligning a counter output from the PXIe-6612 with a CAN frame broadcast on XNET hardware. We are thinking we could achieve this by using the PXI_Trig lines but not exactly sure how it should look. Below is a screenshot of the PXIe-6612 counter config page in VeriStand where we can implement a start trigger, and also the VI used to start comms on the XNET interface and export the start trigger to PXI_Trig0. Is it possible that we now import this to the PXIe-6612 by setting the Start Trigger: Source field in VeriStand to the exported PXI_Trig0 of the XNET start? I have tried this and it seems that the PXIe-6612 counter just starts regardless of the XNET session starting. Any feedback on what I might be doing wrong greatly appreciated!