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Getting Error while trying to get Inports/Outports in LabVIEW

I'm trying to write a VI in LabVIEW that gets all the inports (or outports) in a Veristand system definition file and puts them into arrays, but it throws an error every time I try to do any calls to the Inport groups. It has no issues getting the inports at the top level using Get Inports(), or if I use the Get Inports (boolean deep), but it throws an error when I call Get Inport Groups(). I have verified that the system definition file I am opening has inports at the top level, and in groups. I get the same error when I also try this with Outports.

The error message (1172) is :

LabVIEW: (Hex 0x494) A .NET exception occurred in an external assembly. For information about correcting this error, copy the following exception (in bold), and search the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site or the Web for a possible explanation.
System.InvalidCastException in Get





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