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PWR LED doesn't light up when turning on the VXIpc 872B

When I boot up my VXIpc 872B, PWR LED doesn't light up. PC does boot up but now it donesn't recognize any of my board. What can be the problem & how I can solve it.
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Message 1 of 9
Hi nannu,
This seems like a rather unique issue. Do any of the LEDs on the controller light up? Also when you say that is doesn't recognize any of the boards, what are you doing to try to recognize them?

If you could post the answers to those questions, as well trying to remove and reinstall the controller. The more details you can give me about your system the better.

Happy Holidays
-Marshall R
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9
Hi Marshall,
Really sorry for late reply.
Happy New Year.
Here are answers to your questions.
1) Do any of the LEDs on the controller light up
When I power the controller on LED 100 blinks green, LED Failed & SYSF blinks RED, LED SCSI blinks Green. After controller finishes up loading the OS none of the LED lights up.
2) what are you doing to try to recognize board.
First I run RESMAN. Then using Measurement & Automation Explorer I try to look up if my test board is listed under VXI System 0 - Frame 0.
Currently I see VXIpc 872B listed under Frame 0 but my test board is not listed under Frame 0.
Normally I see my board listed there.
I also tried removing & reinstalling but it didn't help.
Let me know if you need any other information. Thanks for the help
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Message 3 of 9
The fact that the power LED doesn't come on does not mean a whole lot. The fact that the warning LEDs are not staying on is more important. There are a couple things I would suggest trying. Do you possibly have another chassis you could try your controller and cards in?  If you have different cards, I would try them in different slots one at a time and see if you experience the same result.

Good luck,
-Marshall R
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

Hi Marshall,

When this VXIpc 872B stopped working at the same time it damaged 2 of my test boards. They were in the chassai with VXI pc. FPGA's on both test boards were damaged.

So does this point to anything wrong on VXIpc 872B?

I have another chassai but its being used & i dont want to risk damaging it with this VXIpc.  

I tried different boards in different slots of the chassai one at a time but still its not recognizing them.

Thanks for the help.





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Message 5 of 9
I am still unsure if 872B is causing the issue. Can you give me some more details on the circumstances of the failure? How did you determine that the VXI cards had been damaged? 

I agree that it is not a good idea to try your controller with other cards. But in the meantime, I would do a visual inspection of your chassis to make sure none of the connectors are bent on the backplane of you chassis.
-Marshall R
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Message 6 of 9
I heard that you called NI and are in the process of an RMA. But just for future reference to people reading this thread.

When the Power LED is not on but the controller is not functioning. It points to one of th three causes and trouble shooting behavior

1. Bad Power Supply (Try a different controller in that same chassis)
2. Blown Fuse on Controller(There is not much troubleshooting in the manual for this one. But visual inspection may lead to some potential test points on the controller.
3. Bad LED (The controller's behavior should not be effected under this circumstance)
-Marshall R
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9

Hi Marshall,

Thanks for all the help.

I am going to send out VXIpc as an RMA.

One more cause inaddition to what you wrote can be that the VXI bus of the controller is not functioning properly & may be due to that its not recognizing any of the test boards.




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Message 8 of 9
Thanks for mentioning that nannu, it slipped my mind while I made the post. Hope, this RMA doesn't slow your work down too much. Best of luck,
-Marshall R
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Message 9 of 9