UKTAG – UK Test Automation Group

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UKTAG Meeting 1

The first meeting was held on the 2nd of August 2019 at Suite 103 Jurys Inn, Milton Keynes, UK from 1pm to 5pm.

Videos playlist:





Presented by

1.00 - 1.10

Welcome and Introduction

1.15 - 1.55

What's new in TestStand 2019 - Presentation | Video

NI R&D will cover what's new in TestStand 2019 and related platform products, as well as feature candidates for the short and long-term direction of Test Software. Discussion and feedback is encouraged for products and other areas of interest including proficiency, advocacy etc.

TestStand R&D, National Instruments

1.55 - 2.10

Coffee Break

2.15 - 2.55

Sets and Maps in LabVIEW 2019 - Presentation | Video

LabVIEW 2019 introduces two new data types: sets and maps. These may be used to achieve simpler, intuitive and efficient solutions to common programming tasks. This presentation will introduce you to these data types and explore some of their common uses cases.

Peter Horn, CLA, Senior Applications Engineer, National instruments

3.00 - 3.25

Configuration as code in TestStand - Presentation | Video

Configuration as code allows users to configure and manage projects, settings and preferences using source code controlled configuration files. TestStand 2016 saw the introduction of environment files in TestStand. Learn how to maintain and seamlessly switch between multiple TestStand projects during development and in production.

Sreejith Sreenivasan, CLA, CTA and LabVIEW Champion, Multics

3.25 - 3.40

TestStand UIs using FlexStand - Presentation | Video

Producing user interfaces for TestStand traditionally is very a time consuming task requiring in depth knowledge of both TestStand and LabVIEW. FlexStand is a tool from CIM industrial systems that makes writing customised user interfaces a much quicker and simpler task offering many advanced features out of the box. The presentation will be a brief introduction to the tool demonstrating how it makes use of tried and tested practices to bring coding, reconfiguring and adding features to user interfaces to users with only basic LabVIEW skills.

Andy Welsford, Functional Applications Team Leader, ATE Solutions

3.45 - 4.25

LabVIEW and TestStand Package Build & Distribution using Chocolatey - Presentation

 | Video

Chocolatey brings package management to windows and works with existing installation technologies like msi, InnoSetUp etc and binaries. Learn how to build and distribute packages to make your TestStand and LabVIEW development experience seamless.

Adam Brown, CLA & CTA, Senior Engineer, Abaco Systems

4.25 - 5.00

Wrap Up and Networking


CLA CTAChampionI'm attending the GLA Summit!
Subscribe to the Test Automation user group: UK Test Automation Group
Message 1 of 5

Have I already registered for this?

Ray Farmer
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Message 2 of 5

Hello Ray,

You are not automatically registered. Please do so if you haven't registered already.

best regards,

CLA CTAChampionI'm attending the GLA Summit!
Subscribe to the Test Automation user group: UK Test Automation Group
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Message 3 of 5

Hi Ray, 


I just checked the registrations and can confirm you have already registered. 




0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

This is just to highlight that the links for the presentation slides and videos have been updated in the original post.



Message 5 of 5