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Could no load tag data

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Hi Folks


Today I got the message could not load tag data! on my Systenlinkcloud account, and there is no information in my dashboards, except histories, but I can't even access to tags with histories? Does someone know what's going on?

Msc. Jesus Hidalgo
CLA, and NI Certified Professional Instructor
Discipline, pasion for excelence...
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11

Are you publishing new tag data? Is it possible your tag history aged out?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11

Thanks for your suggestion. When I log in to my Systenlinkcloud user and select the tag section, I got the message "Could not load tag data!". If I try to create a tag, I got the message "Could not create a tag!", but the Systemlinkcloud Tag History Storage Use indicator shows 76% of use. If I send an HTTP Get multiple tagsrequests from using a full access API key I got the message an Error response status 500:

  "code": "InternalServerError",
  "message": "Internal server error"

Finally, If I open any of my Tile dashboards or a custom WebVI, I got the message "the tag xxx does not exist on the server" from all tags with count=none, but I can the see all tags with count!=none and history plots. All of my devices (cRIO, myRIO, PCs, and third-party devices) are getting error 500 since yesterday at 21:48 UTC.

Please have a look of the attached printscreens.

Msc. Jesus Hidalgo
CLA, and NI Certified Professional Instructor
Discipline, pasion for excelence...
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11

We are looking into the issue.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11



This evening (around  5aug22, 23:42 UTC), my NI Systemlinkcloud returned to normal condition. All dashboards are running, and tags and history data appear to be normal. Please extend my gratitude to NI folks (R&D, technical support, etc...) that were involved in its resolution.


Best regards.

Msc. Jesus Hidalgo
CLA, and NI Certified Professional Instructor
Discipline, pasion for excelence...
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11
Accepted by topic author jesushidalgo

Thanks for bringing it to our attention. Glad to hear that everything is working now.

Message 6 of 11



i also received the same error as you, that systemlink cloud could not load tag data and could not create tag. How did you resolve this issue?

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

Same for me. When starting my LabView program the "Open Tag" Block generates a time out error (error 56). When logging into systemlinkcloud I can't open any WebVIs and if I switch to the tags section it cant load the tag data (just like in your picture).

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11


An error 56 could be related to too many requests to the NI Systemlinkcloud server. You should stop requesting for a while and then try again with a lower frequency of requests. It works for me a request every 5 minutes. If the error persists no matter what you do, you should ask NI support service.


Best regards.

Msc. Jesus Hidalgo
CLA, and NI Certified Professional Instructor
Discipline, pasion for excelence...
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11



I am facing same issue.


I am connecting to Systemlink cloud using API Key and displaying data through WebVI.

Everything was working fine till Friday(11/08/2023 4.30pm), today(14/8/2023), all of a sudden i am getting timeout error for establishing connection, accessing and creating Tags, accessing WebVI.


Can someone please help me to understand what went wrong? Is there any issue with my account?


Attaching screenshots for your reference:

1. Connection error:


2. Dashboard access error:


3. Load tags error:


4. New tag error:



Really appreciate any help to solve this issue.


Thanks and Regards,

Ashwini A Pandit

Thanks and Regards,
Ashwini A Pandit
Wired-in Software Pty Ltd
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Message 10 of 11