South East Michigan LabVIEW User Group

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Reminder User Group Meeting This Thursday 4/14/2022

April 2022 South East Michigan LabVIEW User Group Meeting
Topic: Topic: Project Case study.  Automated Fuse Tester 
Presenter: Dan Shangraw, P.E. Certified LabVIEW Architect
Location: **NOTE: Venue Change** Automation Alley 2675 Bellingham Drive Troy, MI 48083
Level: Intermediate
I will be doing a case study on a project I did in 2021.  I will show how I coded the LabVIEW Program and the hardware used.  Please click here for more information
I will be available after the meeting to answer questions or discuss anything LabVIEW related.

Dan Shangraw, P.E.


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