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How to display C Series modules in NI MAX

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I have a newbie question about some new hardware setup.

As shown below, the host computer is connected to a cDAQ chassis (cDAQ-9189) and a cRIO controller (cRIO-9047).




The cRIO has 1x NI 9870 + 7x empty slots.

The cDAQ chassis has 1x NI 9860 + 6x NI 9224 + 1x NI 9212.

None of these modules is shown in NI MAX.






DAQmx is installed.




How can I make NI MAX detect all modules in network/remote systems?

Any tip would be appreciated.

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Message 1 of 3

For cDAQ, see Modules in Ethernet cDAQ Chassis Are Not Recognized in MAX

for cRIO, see NI 987x Module's COM Ports Are Missing From NI MAX. NI-9870 is a serial module. You need to install NI-VISA and NI-Serial driver on the cRIO controller.

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author Chickentree

I simply clicked 'Add Device' for the cDAQ chassis and NI MAX populated all modules in it.


For the cRIO, I installed NI-Serial on the host computer and then installed bunch of drivers on the RT target.


Now I see every module in NI MAX. Thank you!

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Message 3 of 3