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Error Connecting to Local FPGA Compile Server

I have the following software modules installed on a Windows 7 64-bit computer (using the 32-bit version of LabVIEW):

 - LabVIEW 2017 Developer Suite 1


 - Real Time

 - Xilinx Compilation Tools for ISE 14.7

 - Xilinx Compilation Tools for Vivado 2015.4


This is a company managed computer, and I am behind a company firewall in general.  I am trying to compile a VI locally for a cRIO-9024 target, and I am having trouble connecting to the local compile server.  The image below appears when trying to run/compile the VI using the local compile server option.

NI Farm Connection Error.png


I can start the FPGA compile worker application manually, but it continuously fails to connect.  I have already removed and reinstalled all of the above software without any change.  


The problem seems to be similar to the one listed at  I was able to follow these instructions to stop the services, delete files, and log in at http://localhost:3580/login though the problem remains.  I did need to also stop/restart the NIAuth service in order to delete the registry.bin file.  Another unmentioned service I see in my task manager is the NIApplicationWebServer64 which is stopped and I cannot start it.  Attempting to do so results in an error stating the service is either disabled or has no enabled devices associated with it.  I am not sure if this service is relevant however. 


I've checked my version of Microsoft .NET per the suggestion at  I currently have version 4.6.2 installed.


I've also attached a MAX Technical Report as suggested in the above thread for troubleshooting.  What other troubleshooting steps can I take to resolve this issue or determine if it is related to a Windows update as mentioned in the referenced thread?



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