04-30-2013 11:25 AM
This Quick Drop Keyboard Shortcut will convert certain classic/modern controls and indicators into their silver counterparts. As opposed to a standard 'Replace' operation, this shortcut attempts to preserve as many of the original control's properties as possible. The following control/indicator types are supported:
Graphs and Charts
Listboxes and Tables
Follow these instructions to install and use this shortcut:
Copy the attached VI to your [LabVIEW Data]\Quick Drop Plugins folder. You may need to create that folder. Once you have done this, follow these steps to use this tool:
Keep the following tips and caveats in mind when using this tool:
This shortcut works in LabVIEW 2012 and later.
NOTE: If you need this tool to support additional control/indicator types, please leave a comment on this document below, including the control/indicator type, and the specific control/indicator properties you need the tool to copy over to a silver version.
04-16-2015 03:28 AM
Great work! Could you implement the replacement of error cluster inputs and outputs too?
04-16-2015 09:46 AM
Thanks, Ludwig. If you'd like to modify the plugin to convert error clusters, go ahead. The reason the tool doesn't currently do that is because I only use silver controls on user interface VIs, and I never have error clusters on the panels of UI VIs...I communicate errors in my UIs in other ways, like with dialogs or status indicators.
04-16-2015 10:08 AM
Totally agree, I'd actually find a tool more valuable if it could convert controls from Classic, and Silver to Modern, specifically for subVIs that the user doesn't see.
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04-17-2015 12:42 AM
What is the reason for using Modern instead of Silver Palette in general VIs?