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Prototype - Improved VI Server Rename shortcut

Note: The shortcut attached below is only useful in LabVIEW 2014. All later versions of LabVIEW ship with this shortcut.

I have updated the VI Server Rename shortcut to allow more broad selection of classes for Property Nodes and Invoke Nodes. In LabVIEW 2014 and earlier, the class name you specify must be in either VI Server, or the name of a LabVIEW Class in the active project. For LabVIEW 2015, I am planning on shipping an updated shortcut that also allows setting the name of any class that appears in the "Select Class" right-click menu on Property Nodes and Invoke Nodes. So VISA, DAQmx, IMAQ, etc....all the class names in those categories will be supported too.


If you like the Ctrl-Space-Ctrl-B shortcut, and you're using LabVIEW 2014, please follow these steps to try out the prototype:


1. Make a backup of the following VI: [LabVIEW 2014]\resource\dialog\QuickDrop\plugins\VI Server Rename.vi

2. Place the attached VI in that location in its place.


Try using this shortcut to change the class name on Property Nodes and Invoke Nodes to *any* allowable class, including something other than a VI Server class or a LabVIEW Class, and let me know if you have any problems. This shortcut should be safe to use throughout your LabVIEW 2014 development.


Message 1 of 14

If you've never used the VI Server Rename (Ctrl-B) shortcut in Quick Drop, you don't know what you're missing! Start here in this recording of my 'I Find Your Lack of LabVIEW Programming Speed Disturbing' presentation to see a demo of the Ctrl-B (and Ctrl-Shift-B) shortcut in action.

Message 2 of 14

So I haven't tried your improved version yet, but it looks like you aren't getting much attention, which is a shame because I think this is great.  I use CTRL+B often and I've always known the limitations of it, so this is a welcome improvement.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 14

Can you post an unlocked version?

Since I'm running out of shortcuts, I like to merge VIs.

So Ctrl-B (No nodes selected) will be: "Show VI In Folder" Opens Explorer and selects the file.

Ctrl-B (Invoke or Property Node selected) will be: VI Server Rename.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 14

I can't post an unlocked version, this shortcut calls private properties and methods.

Could you call this VI as a subVI in your merged shortcut?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 14

I just did.
I'm placing it in a Sub folder under the plugins folder("_ExtraVIs"), will QD look for VIs in those folders as well to find the Default shortcut in the VI's description?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 14

Yes, it recurses all folders. But it only looks at files with a .vi extension. So a cheesy way to get what you need would be to rename the file on disk to have a different extension.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 14

Darren wrote:

I can't post an unlocked version, this shortcut calls private properties and methods.

Couldn't a sub VI be made for the reading and writing Global Data case, and the Set Property/Method? Essentially a subVI for if Shift is being pressed and one for not being pressed, and have these subVIs be made passworded.

If these private methods are exposed in 2015, could we assume this QD function would also be unpassworded in 2015?

Message 8 of 14

Thanks for the info, I just moved it to a different location.

BTW, the VI Server Rename works great.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 14

Hooovahh wrote:

Couldn't a sub VI be made for the reading and writing Global Data case, and the Set Property/Method? Essentially a subVI for if Shift is being pressed and one for not being pressed, and have these subVIs be made passworded.

If these private methods are exposed in 2015, could we assume this QD function would also be unpassworded in 2015?

The private methods won't be exposed in LabVIEW 2015, so this shortcut will remain password-protected in LabVIEW 2015. Care to share how you know that it utilizes global data methods?

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 14