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Prototype - Improved Replace Shortcut

Inspired by this thread, I have updated the Replace shortcut to allow you to choose "Select a VI..." (or "Select a Control... on the panel) to browse to a VI (or control, or class) on disk to replace the selected object(s). In LabVIEW 2014 and earlier, choosing Select a VI/Control in Quick Drop, then pressing Ctrl-P, was a no-op. For LabVIEW 2015, I am planning shipping an updated shortcut that allows this operation to proceed as you would expect.

If you're using LabVIEW 2014, please follow these steps to try out the prototype:

1. Make a backup of the following VI: LabVIEW 2014\resource\dialog\QuickDrop\plugins\Replace.vi

2. Place the attached VI in that location in its place.

Try using this shortcut to replace objects as you normally would, but also use it to replace objects with files that you browse to on disk as a result of typing "Select a VI..." or "Select a Control..." in Quick Drop (or 'sav' and 'sac', if you have object shortcuts configured like I do). Please let me know if you have any issues. This shortcut should be safe to use throughout your LabVIEW 2014 development.

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Good job reacting so fast on this request of hoovah.

One (possibly too much personal) point though:

When working with projects, while typing the name of a VI in QuickDrop, LabVIEW will give you all matches including VIs in the project or its dependencies. This is why I use projects - because I always find the VIs I'm looking for and never go wrong by accidentally using an earlier version from a location where I thought the last edition of the VI resided.

When thinking about dropping a VI using QD and starting to use "select a VI" right away, you're likely ending up using a VI that's not the one possibly already residing in your project, which will inevitably mess up your project by creating 10-ish (or more) tedious dependency conflicts to deal with.

Of course, this only applies to programmers like me who, for some reason, never took the time to build a set of carry-around VI libraries that almost never change and therefore don't  exist in several independent places varying states of development...

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