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Create multiple wire labels automatically from first element of the wire

Hi all,

my first quick-drop-plugin, so i'm exciting about your feedback and ideas.

I would love to integrade them in my plugin


To install

Place the Build wire labels.vi in the <LabVIEW>\resource\dialog\QuickDrop\plugins folder. Launch Quick Drop and click "Configure", and go to the "Ctrl-Key Shortcuts" page. Configure a shortcut for this plugin (since it does not currently specify a default shortcut).

How to use

  1. Mark some wires (important the VI must be saved one time)
  2. Open quick drop (Ctrl+Space)
  3. Press Ctrl+[key], where [key] is the shortcut key you cofigured in the installation step above.
  4. The Plugin takes the Name from the next tunnel before - it can go thru Loops, Structures and so on and label it to the marked wires

The VI is saved in 2012.  I have only briefly tested it with 2013 and now 2014 , so please make me aware of any bugs.

Im looking forward to your comments.

Best regards


Update: VI Shoud now choose the right color also in 2014

Message 1 of 3

The color formating does not appear to work in 2014.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3

Hello sjbrown,

thanks a lot for that Feedback.

Your right - I will see if I can fix....

Best regards

0 Kudos
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