We are glad to announce that the new version StarSim (LabVIEW-based Power System Electromagnetic Transient Simulation Software) is released! And StarSim (Windows version) is directly available through NI Sales channel.
ModelingTech also released StarSim Real-Time (the add-on for real-time simulating the power system or power electronics model on NI PXI). Please contact info@modeling-tech.com for more info about StarSim Real-Time.
New features:
Support both LabVIEW 2012 and LabVIEW 2013
New and Improved Components
- Transformer Saturation Support
- Dynamic Load
- Doubly-fed Induction Machine (supporting no-load case)
More Control Functions
First Order Transfer Function, Second Order Transfer Function, Excitation Controller, PSS, Hydraulic Turbine Governor, Steam Turbine Governor, etc

Editor Improvement - Multi-Windows Support

Please feel free to contact info@modeling-tech.com if you have any questions about StarSim.
Best Regards,
Kevin Wang | Business Development Manager