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New Real-Time Power System Simulation Benchmark with StarSim (7 Three-Phase Machines, 42 Three-Phase Nodes, 19 Distributed Parameter Lines)

We are pleased to announce that StarSim 1.5.0 (LabVIEW-based Electrical System Simulation Software, http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/211170)  is released.

The new version comes with a lot of enhanced features, for example, the new 'single-line' feature, customers can just use one line to connect three-phase components, as shown in the below picture. This feature makes it easier for customers to create the big topology with StarSim.

ModelingTech also created a new real-time power system simulation benchmark with StarSim. This benchmark system contains 7 three-phase machines, 42 three-phase nodes, 19 distributed parameter lines.  We are using three CPU cores to real-time simulate this system. The model execution times on these three CPU are 75us, 50us, 50us.  

This big topology benchmark proves the real-time simulation capability of StarSim.  Big Topology.jpg

Kevin Wang

Business Development Manager | ModelingTech


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