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DFIG Wind Power Rapid Controller Prototyping System based on PXI and StarSim


Customers would like to set up a control system for a small-scale DFIG (Double Fed Induction Generator) system. The traditional way of controller development usually includes PCB board design process; this way has the drawbacks of long R&D cycle, less reliable hardware, etc. So a reliable hardware platform is required to help customers for rapid controller prototype purpose. Also customers would like this RCP platform to support certain high-level graphical design language for them to describe the control algorithm. By using this language, the control block diagram which is verified by simulation previously could be downloaded directly to the controller. Because of avoiding redeveloping the control algorithm by C or assembly language, customers could easily and rapidly verify their control algorithms and control strategies.

StarSim for NI Platform-based Rapid Control Prototyping

StarSim, a power system and power electronics system simulation software based on LabVIEW, is developed by ModelingTech Energy Technology Co., Ltd. One main character is that StarSim is integrated in LabVIEW seamlessly. It could help engineers to verify control algorithms written in LabVIEW. Below picture shows DFIG StarSim model and simulation results. After verifying control algorithm, users could download LabVIEW code directly to NI hardware, which could greatly shorten the development cycle.

DFIG StarSim Modeling and Simulation Result.png

You can download StarSim from this link  http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/211170 and find the above example under StarSim Example Folder ...\Examples\Wind Power\...

Project Introduction and Field Photo

You can download the attached PDF for the detail project introduction, also the field photo and experimental waveforms.

Kevin Wang | Business Development Manager


ModelingTech Energy Technology Co., Ltd

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