The Challenge: Integrating power from various renewable energy installations, including photovoltaics, small wind, battery, fuel cell, and flywheel, into the grid.
The Solution: Developing an advanced power electronics controller system to reduce production and maintenance costs while decreasing engineering effort.
View NIWeek Keynote Video (Includes demonstrations of The MathWorks, Inc. Simulink® software running on NI CompactRIO Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) system and NI PXI FlexRIO FPGA-based 3 MHz Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) Simulator)
For more information on how to run The MathWorks, Inc. Simulink® models on NI CompactRIO, see the NI LabVIEW Model Interface Toolkit, a LabVIEW interface to more than 15 simulation environments, and NI Veristand, a software environment for automating the real-time testing of power electronics, power system and other control systems.
The MHz speed real-time power inverter real-time simulation tools demonstrated in the video above are now released as a toolkit for LabVIEW. The NI Electric Motor Simulation Toolkit includes switched mode power electronics real-time simulation tools along with medium and high fidelity models for permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) and switched reluctance machines (SRM).