06-15-2022 12:43 PM
Hello there,
I had originally posted this in the Labview board, but it occurred to me that PXI might be a better place.
My setup is the following:
PXIe-1075 Chassis:
--PXIe 7976R FPGA module + AT1212 pulse generator FAM - Operating at 156.25MHz (IO Module\IoModClipClock0)
--PXIe 5764 FlexRIO Digitizer module (KU060) - Operating at 125MHz (IO Socket\Data Clock)
--PXIe 6363 PXI Multifunction IO module
I am attempting to generate pulse patterns with the 7976R, which triggers the 5764 for acquisition of the waveform. Both work fine on their own: I am able to trigger either with DIO from the 6363. For the 5764, I am using the 'Getting Started Example 5764' from labview examples.
The problem happens when I try and trigger the 5764 with the 7976R. Operation is as follows: The 6363 sends a digital output to the 7976R on PXI_Trig0 -> 7976R sends a trigger across PXI_Trig1 to the 5764 to start acquisition.
The problem is that I do not see a waveform every time I send a trigger. Is the reason because the FPGA modules are running at different clock speeds and need to be synchronized? If so, which method of synchronization is the most suited for this setup? I have found the following link Synchronization Explained , that explains a few synchronization methods using DAQmx, but other pages have mentioned using NI-TClk.
After further debugging, I've noticed that only sending a trigger to the 5764 is triggering the 7976R, which shouldn't happen because the PXI trigger lines are different. This only seems to happen when I perform routing of PXI_Trig1 to Destination1 on the 5764.
I am very new at NI FPGA modules, so any advice in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
For those curious, I have attached the FPGA vi for both targets, as well as the host vis and the vi to control the DIO on 6363. Please let me know if I am missing something.
Thank you,
06-13-2023 01:39 AM
Hi Dorino,
I met exactly the same problem when I used 5764 as you did then, have you solved it? It would be greatly appreciated if you can share some experiences.
Thank you,
Sheng Ming
06-13-2023 08:25 AM
Hi Sheng,
It's been awhile since i've worked on this project. What precisely are you having troubles with? Is one card not triggering the other? After the post on this thread, I found some other issues I had to fix, so i'm curious what exactly might be your problem.
06-13-2023 11:31 AM
06-13-2023 02:01 PM
Hi Sheng,
I think I understand your problem. The difference between the digital edge and level trigger is where the receiving hardware looks for a change. The edge would be from whenever the level of the trigger line drops/rises and the level would trigger after a certain time that the trigger line is at a certain voltage. I apologize if I stated the obvious. Functionally, I dont know why its triggering on one and not the other. Perhaps a timing issue with the edges?
I dont have a 5745 so I'm not sure if it will work, but have you tried sending a trigger on the PXI lines (the PXI chassis backplane triggers, usually 0-7) from the 5745, waiting x clock cycles, then producing the waveform? The 5764 would then receive the trigger and start acquiring.
Let me know if this doesnt make sense.