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PXIe-4162 Cannot Reset

Hi All,


I have two PXIe-4162 that cannot reset.  Do you see problems like this?  Any suggestions?


The first PXIe-4162 was a replacement for an RMA a couple of months ago.  When it came back, it passed self tests.  Yesterday I put it in my STS chassis and powered it up.  It showed red LED's.  When I tried to reset it, I got this error:


There was a problem resetting the device.
Internal Hardware Error.  Contact National Instruments support.

Additional Error Info: getHardwareErrors status: 0xBFFA4683, Last Completed Setup Level: 7
Error reported by the instrument driver: -1074116989


I installed the card in another chassis, and the other chassis was unable to boot until I removed it!


I'll explain the second PXIe-4162 in a reply to this post...



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Message 1 of 7

The second PXIe-4162 was brand new.  I plugged it into the same STS chassis.  I don't know what color the LED's were when I initially powered it up, but when I first tried to use it a couple of days later, it would not reset, and the LED's were red.  This time the error message was different.


There was a problem resetting the device.

The Overvoltage Protection (OVP) has been tripped.  OVB may be triggered inadvertently if you are confivured for Remote Sense and either the sense lines are shorted together or were connected before the output lines.  This may happen when connecting or disconnecting the connector, or when using a switch.  NI recommends disabling the channel before making any connection changes.  Overvoltage protection can be disabled if desired.  Fix the problem and reset the divice to return to normal operation.

Channel names: 8
Additional Error Info: Applicable Iso Captured: [104], Applicable Iso Sticky:[104] Applicable Niso Captured: [] Applicable Niso Sticky:[], Niso Captured first: [], Errors Version 1.35f20060209, Last completed Setup Level: 19
Error reported by the instrument driver: -1074118594


I put the PXI-4162 in another chassis and got the same error message.  Funny thing is that I can still control it with instrument studio, except for channel 8.

Have you see this kind of thing with your PXIe-4162 or other PXI instruments?  Any suggestions?

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Message 2 of 7

hmm, looks like you have been stressing some front-end circuits. This is quite unrecoverable and I would recommend opening a support ticket, you may end up sending the card for repair or replacement.

Soliton Technologies

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Message 3 of 7

Thanks, Santhosh,


I am opening a ticket. 


It is possible that we stressed some circuits, but I think we did not.  The second card was brand new, and after powering up, I did plug into a board.  The only other things plugged into the board were SMU's and PXI-6570, all in the same chassis.  No outputs were enabled.

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Message 4 of 7

Hi, was there a resolution to this? Facing the same error code with the PXIe-4163 after installing it in a chassis with other components.


Best regards,


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Message 5 of 7

@JoeAge wrote:

Hi, was there a resolution to this? Facing the same error code with the PXIe-4163 after installing it in a chassis with other components.


Best regards,


High probability of a irrecoverable hardware failure, please work with NI Technical support to troubleshoot.

Soliton Technologies

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