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PXIe-4139 Current Limit Error



I am having problems trying to get the current limit for the PXIe-4139 set.

I want to do this in the NI Pattern Editor.

I already did it for the PXIe-4144 and it worked without problems. It has a current limit of 150mA.

Since it is not enough for my application I inserted in my Chasis the PXIe-4139 (Controller is the PXIe-8880).

I added the Instrument to my Project in the Pattern Editor.

It is recognized, because I can set the Current Range according to the PXIe-4139 specifications.

But when I power up the DUT (clicking on the button Power Up in Pattern Editor), I get an error window (see Image attached):




"Error Applying Pin Levels
The following error occurred while applying levels for pin item 'VDD_0V75' and setting 'Ic (Current)':
An NI-DCPower operation failed with the following error:

The value you requested is incompatible with the selected range. Change both the value and the corresponding Range attribute/property when the session is in the Uncommitted state or set the corresponding Autorange attribute/property to On. For more information, refer to the NI-DCPower documentation.

Device: PXIe4139_SMU/0
Property: Current Limit
Requested Value: 618.0e-3
Specified Range Minimum: 1.0e-3
Specified Range Maximum: 100.0e-3

Property: Current Limit Range
Corresponding Value: 100.0e-3

Property: Current Limit Autorange
Corresponding Value: Off

Channel Name: 0

Status Code: -225140"


It says the requested value of 618mA is outside the specified range (1-100mA) but this is not true, the range I specified is 1A. It seems like it is getting overwriten, because current ranges lower than 100mA are accepted. Is this issue known?




I already tried with two different PXIe-4139 cards and the same problem happens for both.

I also updated the NI DCPower driver to the version 24.8.0. It did not help.


Can someone help me to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

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So, the order of update is the culprit here.


Though Ic 618mA is compatible with 1A range, you need to update the range first and then the forced current.


It looks like the force current is updated before the range, and the old range was at 100mA and hence the error.

Soliton Technologies

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