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PXIe-4113 working programmatically but not in nimax instrument panel


I am hoping somebody else has ran into this issue or can point me in a direction to troubleshoot.  I have a labview executable that is able to turn on and turn off the 4113 correctly using the "niDCPower Configure Output Enabled.vi", but when I turn on the channels manually in the instrument panel my device will not boot properly.  It almost looks like channel 0 is sinking the current from channel 1.  They are at least interacting with each other.  I've attached 3 images showing channel 1 being turned on, channel 0 being turned on, and my nimax devices and software.  Any help is much appreciated, thanks.


  Screenshot 2022-03-03 102637.png

Screenshot 2022-03-03 102530.png

Screenshot 2022-03-03 102737.png

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You can verify your theory of channel to channel interaction by disconnecting your Device and connections to the instrument and operating it.


The crucial difference between automation and controlling instruments from UI is the speed at which things can be configured, in many cases, devices with multiple power supplies need to be powered in a determined order called power sequencing, while doing this manually there is a high chance that human interaction is "slow".


The important thing to note is that "your device" is not responding as expected but not the instrument.


Please provide more details about the connections and the device.


BTW, in the first image, you have turned OFF the output of Ch0 and hence current sinks into the channel (if there is another source connected externally), please note "output off" does not mean it is floating. https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z0000019OQ0SAM&l=en-PH


Soliton Technologies

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