04-23-2007 01:15 PM
04-24-2007 11:07 PM
04-27-2007 03:51 PM
01-03-2018 10:54 PM
I want to drive a DAC using a DIO lines of PXI-6289, i am facing some problem as :
1. as it does not have it's won timing engine where to source the external clock?
2. will it be possible to generate different SPI pattern from different DIO channels form PORT-0 of PXI 6289?
Please help ASAP.
01-04-2018 01:18 PM
Hi Sanjay,
As this thread is over ten years old, I suggest creating a new thread. This will help you get more responses.
You should be able to use an onboard clock with this application. For the digital task, you will need to create a control (or constant) for the "source" input on the DAQmx Timing VI and choose "Devx/ai/sampleclock" What this does is routes the internal sample clock being used by the analog input task to your digital output task. This is known as "Correlated DIO" and there are many threads and resources covering this topic.
Explore this thread on generating SPI waveforms: https://forums.ni.com/t5/Digital-I-O/generate-SPI-waveform-with-cDaq9174-and-NI-9401-to-test-SPI/td-...