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timeout goto clean up?

How do I program TESTStand step for go to cleanUP if a step hang too long (timeout)?
This can save a lot of hardware problem.
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4
Hello trout00-

TestStand has the ability to watch for time limits system wide. What you may want to try is going to Configure»Station Options and examine the Time Limits tab. You can set time limits for sequences while they are executing, and also while they are exiting so that they suit your application. Note that the bottom half of the window allows you to choose what will happen once the time limit has been reached. Setting the option to 'Terminate' will allow the sequence to skip to cleanup and exit nicely.

Elaine R.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4
Hello Elaine,
Can I set time for individual step?
If everything works good, normally it takes 2 minutes,
if after three minutes, my step still is not completed, I have a problem, I should go to clean up to shut down the water pump, before I have a chemical mess on the floor.
Tom W.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

The settings Elaine referres too are global. If you want to just set for one step or a few steps then you will have too trap for the error condition.
I have attached a TS2.0.1 example sequence file.
The step has the 'ignore runtime errors' enabled. This allows you to setup your own error trapping by having a precondition set if the step errors.

Hope this helps.
Ray Farmer
Ray Farmer
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Message 4 of 4