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supported scripting languages

Hello everyone, In the devzone there's a tutorial on how to call script languages but they only mention Python, Perl and Tcl. Are those the only languages supported? I ask because in the main page it says that we can execute modules written in any language. Thanks, Dan
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Message 1 of 8

Hi Dan,


I think that the main page is referring to modules developed with any language, but are executed as dll's, lib's, vi's, exe's, and the like. Was there a specific scripting language that you were looking at using?



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

Hi Fusionray,


I believe you may be refering to this tutorial in regards to scripting in TestStand.  Captain Jack is correct - as long as you build your script into an executable (.exe) and then use the Call Executable step in TestStand then it shouldn't matter what language the executable was original built in.



Trey C. 

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Message 3 of 8

You can also call any script (as of TestStand 4.2) directly from the Call Executable step type as long as the file type of the script is recognized by Windows and it can run within that scripting environment.  You are limited to command line arguments, standard input/output/error for communicating to and from the script within TestStand in this scenario.  There is no need to build the script into an executable if you are using TestStand 4.2 and you could double-click on the script or run it from a command line by typing its name and arguments.

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Message 4 of 8



I am searching for an option to retrieve return array variables to Test Stand 2010. My script ( Perl script ) read an excel sheet cells and stored in an array. I was trying to get that values to Test stand 2010 and use it for post processing.  Since I have limitation not to use VI's to call. I do not want to use Labview VI's. One more option, I found was Active X/COM in Test stand which is quite complexly reason of using script instead of Active X /COM in test stand is due to maintenance.


I tried using Executable Output properties that is stored in Step.Output.txt which is printing on the result sheet. Instead I would like to use Step.Output.txt  to stored in Local variable. Can any one suggest options that I need to look or  direct me to sample code or docs where I can refer.


But seems to me that there is no way that I can get this information. Please correct me if I am wrong.








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Message 5 of 8

Hi mynampati,


It seems like you have figured a few of the options out on your own.  You can use Step.StdOutput.Text to retrieve the standard output from your script after it has executed.  Since you are trying to import an array, you will have to print out the entire array from your Perl script.  You can then use some expressions in Teststand to manually parse the array text, and create a Teststand array object.  This will likely require quite a bit of coding effort within Teststand.  I believe the best way to implement this functionality will be to use the Teststand ActiveX interface from your Perl script as you mentioned in order to programmically create and add elements to the Teststand array  from your script.

Justin D
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 6 of 8

Hello Justin,


Thanks for the info. As you mentioned the best way to implement is to use a Teststand ActiveX interfaces with perl script. I was searching all over the NI web site and googling and few Test Stand manuals. The problem, I am facing is as project completion time is short, I need to look into docs and understand and implement. By any chance, can you direct or point a relevant sample code or document/link.


This would be a great help.




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Message 7 of 8

Hi mynampati,


There are several examples of how to use the Teststand ActiveX interface available on our Developer Zone which show up from a search.  You will need to be familiar with using ActiveX interfaces from Perl.  Using the Teststand API ActiveX object, you can call any of the Teststand API functions which are documented in the NI Teststand API Reference Poster.  Further documentation on these functions is available in the Teststand Help.

Justin D
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 8 of 8