03-27-2012 11:23 PM
i want to access teststand sequence context from labview , can i know how to do that ?
03-28-2012 01:15 AM
Here is a small example.
03-28-2012 03:17 AM
This is cross posted here: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/mapping-labview-variables-to-teststand-sequence-context/td-p/1928835
There is another method:
03-28-2012 03:45 AM
Hm! this seems to be a very similar post from giri2309 as a previous post.
Giri2309, I am guessing this isn't going to answer your question so can you expand on what you are trying to achieve?
03-28-2012 05:37 AM
Roderic and Ray
Ray u're right in guessing so , but i think i can do rest of the thingsnow. I'll try doing it and if i couldn't then i'll get back to you.
03-28-2012 06:16 AM
not a problem, good luck
04-29-2013 07:21 PM
I have noticed in the last few versions of labview that the teststand "sequence context" control is under a "legacy" palette. Is there a new preferred way of passing sequence context from teststand to labview, other than the standard "sequence context" method?
03-16-2022 05:40 AM
Thanks for this, was trying hard to figure out what value to put in the test stand Parameter Name to pass the sequence context to the VI.
Turns out all I needed to put in there was "ThisContext". I still have no idea where this information can be found in documentation.