09-15-2005 02:03 PM
09-15-2005 02:35 PM
Are you using a file name or a full absolute path to specify your .exe?
If you are using a simple file name, what might be happening is that the act of browsing to your exe sets the current working directory, enabling your step to run.
To make it always work, use an absolute path or add the directory that contains your .exe to your TestStand search paths.
09-15-2005 02:39 PM
Oops, misread the post. The exe is always found, but a file the exe needs is not.
It is still the same issue. Your exe probably relies on finding its file in the current working directory, which you are setting when you configure the step.
If the file the exe needs is a command line parameter, then maybe you can put an absolute path on the command line. Otherwise you could call the Window API with a DLL adapter step to set the current working directory before calling your executable.
09-15-2005 02:42 PM
To set the current working directory with the DLL adapter, call:
BOOL SetCurrentDirectory(
LPCTSTR lpPathName
in Kernel32.lib.
09-16-2005 05:06 PM
I am pretty new to TestStand and Labview and have never used DLL adapters before or actually know where to find it. How do I get this implemented? The exe that is called is out of my control to modify.
09-16-2005 05:25 PM