Hi Marek,
this should be fairly straight forward.
You do need to set a property of the sequenceCallStep, but it's the
TS.SData.SeqName property (a string) or
TS.SData.SeqNameExpr (a string)
depending on how you're specifying the sequence name it's calling (either by name directly or by an expression)
It also depends on where the sequence you're wanting to call is - look at TS.SData.SFPath and TS.SData.SFPathExpr
so you really need to use something like
char *seqIWantToCall = "NewSequence"; /* note this is the name of the sequence to call in the sequence file that you've already set up for in the step - we're just changeing the name of the sequence.*/
TS_PropertySetValString(sequenceCallStep, &errorHandling,
ata.SeqName", 0, seqIWantToCall); CA_FreeMemory(seqIWantToCall );Hope that helps
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