10-04-2024 01:12 AM
Hello TestStand users ...
I had the bad suprise to discover that LabVIEW packed Libraries dependencies in NI TestStand depends on the location of their source files.
- I move my LabVIEW sources files to another location
- I generate my packed library to the same destination folder
- Then i had to relaod all my related steps in TestStand !!!
=> What a bad suprise !!!
Do you have any suggestion in order to solve this issue ???
Thanks a lot.
10-07-2024 01:37 AM
Is the new location in the search paths?
10-07-2024 02:54 AM
Hello Oli_Wachno,
The folder of the packed library is in the search directories.
This folder has not changed.
The problem is that the inner folder of the packed library are memorized in TestStand.
TestStand does not allow an automatic VI search ... you need to reload the VI prototype manually.