NI TestStand

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Teststand SingleStep

I have a problem,
in the older versions of Testexecutive it is possible to run
Single Steps. I know that i can start a execution with
"Break on first step" and then select the step to execute.
My problem is, i want to have a button "Single Step" on
the operator interface which runs a selected step in
an existing execution window. Is it possible to change
the sequence context to do this, or is there no way.
Thanks in advance Hans-Georg Bader
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 2

I'm not quite sure that I understand what you want to do.

In the sequence display window, you can select a step and run only that
step. Run Selected Steps is under the Execute menu. Hint: in the CVI
operator interface, you need to check the check box on the left column of
the list box.

If you are stopped at a breakpoint, you can select a step in the execution
display window and run that selected step. If you are stopped at a
breakpoint, you can also Single Step to the next step. Single Step is
useful to slowly execute each step. You can change which step will be the
next step to execute by selecting a step and selecting Set Next Step to
Cursor under the Debug menu.

If this didn't answer your question, can you tell me which operator
interface you are us
ing, LV, CVI, VB? Also, how did you do this in the test
Paul Mueller
National Instruments

HGBader wrote in message
> I have a problem,
> in the older versions of Testexecutive it is possible to run
> Single Steps. I know that i can start a execution with
> "Break on first step" and then select the step to execute.
> My problem is, i want to have a button "Single Step" on
> the operator interface which runs a selected step in
> an existing execution window. Is it possible to change
> the sequence context to do this, or is there no way.
> Thanks in advance Hans-Georg Bader
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 2