04-03-2019 11:47 AM
Hello everyone!
I hope I can explain the situation clearly, so first some background:
1.-We developed a test framework back in 2015.
2.-This test framework has been working since then on 4 computers.
3.-We used the simple UI of labview and we modified it.
4.-The seq is loaded automatically based on the computer name instead of manually selecting using the "Load seq file" button.
5.-Teststand is configured to auto-login with windows credentials.
6.-UI retrieves from the engine the login user to show it on the front panel.
Now, the issue we see and the steps we have done so far:
1.-We installed the test framework on a 5th computer.
2.-When pressing the "Test UUTs" button after the user name is shown, nothing happens, it looks like the sequence file wasn't loaded.
3.-If I press the "Test UUTs" button after the teststand engine app start and before the user name is shown on the front panel the sequence starts.
4.-Trying it on my laptop (development computer) it shows the same behavior. Worth to mention that the framework was working on my PC months ago.
5.-Running the source code of the UI, if run slowly (highlight execution) it works.
6.-Looking at the differences on software installed we found that the 4 computers have the windows 10 version 2015 build 10240, on the 5th computer it had windows 10 2018 1809 and my laptop has windows 10 2018 1803.
7.-Installing windows 10 2015 build 10240 on the 5th computer works with the test framework. I'm having windows issues but that is another story.
8.-I know that my PC was updated due several months ago I started to have a problems that neither the photos and calculator apps worked, I was living like that due IT wasn't able to fix it... a week or so I noticed the calculator working, so something changed.
I have attached a picture for reference of the section where the seq is loaded on the code.
Basically we are stuck with 10240 build of windows 10 (we haven't install successive windows 10 versions to see if it breaks after X , too much work), at this point we are worry that the computers can be upgraded and start seeing issues, we are working with IT to avoid any updates for now, but, I know that we will be asked by IT to update computers for security reasons, so we need to get this resolved.
Best Regards.
01:13 PM
- last edited on
05:09 PM
Content Cleaner
Hello Abel,
According to this capability chart, TestStand 2014 isn't guaranteed to work on a Windows 10 OS. Sometimes NI software will still work on an incompatible OS, but it isn't guaranteed to work on all computers with Windows 10.
04-08-2019 03:17 PM
Hello Marina!
Thanks for your answer!
I didn't specified that I'm using TS 2014 SP1, by looking to the chart I won't consider using TS 2014 on Windows 10, but SP1 it is specified as compatible on the chart.
Best Regards.
05:52 PM
- last edited on
05:10 PM
Content Cleaner
Hello Abel,
I would go ahead and call into our technical support line to create a service request. This is something that a Support Engineer will need to look into further and you will have a better experience than from the forums. You can create a service request on our website or call 866-275-6964 to have a request created for you. The Support Engineer will need your crash file and any error messages you are receiving.
04-10-2019 10:46 AM
Thanks a lot Marina!
I will follow trough by the technical support as you mentioned.
Best Regards.