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TestStand 2012 preload problem

I have changed TestStand from 4.1 to evaluation 2012 and my project does not work anymore.


After launching the sequence, a new window appears and TestStand blocks on this windows : preload.


Please see the attached file.


What can I do ?



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 18

Few things you can cross check:


Does this happen only with this sequence?

Can this sequence be loaded in TS 4.1?

Does it always get stuck for this particular DLL ( as shown in image)?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 18

Yes, thsi sequence works well in TestStand 4.1. It seems to be stuck on this dll but I have no time to read what is displayed in the window preload problem, it always change.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 18

In the edit menu -->sequence file properties

Set the load option to pre load when execution begins.


This should atleast allow you to open the sequence for further investigation.


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 18

When you say you have no time to read do you mean that the window disappears very quickly? I thought you said it was staying up? If you wait a minute does it unhang or it's definitely hung for a long time?



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 18

For SunRS, the load option is already set.


For Doug, in fact the window does not disappear, its content changes, it may have several file / sequence problem...

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 18

What happens if you press the cancel button? Is the dialog unresponsive?



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 18

We have a related issue where it appears the preload routines get stuck in an endless loop.  I can see the same sequence files continually popping up over and over and over again and what used to take no more than 5 minutes on 2010 we have let run for 30 minutes and canceled it with it still running.  We definitely have some sequence files where A will call a subsequence in B and B will call a subsequence in A and I just wonder if the analyzer is somehow just looping over and over again when it does this.


This is new for 2012, we didn't have this type of issue with 2010 SP1.



Edit: Btw, clicking anywhere in the Sequence Editor while this is happening typically results in the application going unresponsive.  Pulling up the Task Manager (WinXP) shows SequenceEditor is using a full core (50% CPU) of my dual core cpu.




0 Kudos
Message 8 of 18

Have you tried turning off the analyzer? Does it still hang if the analyzer is off? TestStand 2012 added a preload progress dialog and I want to determine if the hang/loop is happening due to that or the analyzer. Also, if you could post an example which reproduces the problem that would be very helpful.


Thanks for any info,


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 18

Doesn't seem to make a difference whether the analyzer is on or off.  Posting an example likely can't be done just because of the size of what we are dealing with.  As we speak we have it isolated down to one particular .seq file that seems to be the trouble maker.  It doesn't appear to be what I said before where Sequences A&B are calling each other.

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Message 10 of 18