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Test sequences not working in standard prototype adaptor with Execute Steps in process

Test sequences not working in standard prototype adaptor with "Execute Steps in process" but the sequences works in "Execute steps in an External instance of CVI"(Debug mode). Pl help with solution

Apriciate your help


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Thanks for contacting National Instruments. It would help us out a lot if you could specify exactly what is not working. Will the sequence just not run? Is it giving you an error message? Or what exactly does not work about it? The initial thing that I could think of that would make it not work in External Instance but not using the RunTime Engine is that you might be missing a support library when trying to run it in this configuration. If you click on the "Configure Auto-Loading of Support Libraries Needed for Linking .objs and .libs" button, you can make sure that all the support libraries you might be using are added in this list (you can add them using the "Add Other Libraries..." button). If this does not fix your problem, then let us know a litt
le more about what is going on and we can help you from there. Thanks.

Adam B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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