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Sequence editor UI manipulation in TestStand 2024

I have started using TestStand 2024.  When I make the window smaller the variables/sequences pane dissapears rather than scales. This means i have to resize my Steps pane before I can resuze the UI.  Is there a setting i should be using?  The insertion pallet sticks to left. surely variables should stick to right?


I would like to move the toolbar back, forward navigation buttons to the right hand end of the toolbar. Even though i have set toolbars as editable I cannot move the buttons around.  Is this possible?


Thank you



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Message 1 of 3

Today I found the variables pane disappears and the splitter does not stick right when the middle pane is Steps view, but it does resize properly in Report view! I had a call with NI support who suggested doing a repair and that has not worked. Has anyone else seen this?


As for customised tool bars that is now working. For now apparent reason.


My front end callback sequence was empty in both the program files folder and the public docs folder. Now it is not empty. Very strange behaviour going on. Has anyone else had gremlins like this?

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Message 2 of 3

'Today I found the variables pane disappears and the splitter does not stick right when the middle pane is Steps view, but it does resize properly in Report view! I had a call with NI support who suggested doing a repair and that has not worked. Has anyone else seen this?'


A CAR has been raided by NI but has anyone else seen this behaviour? It is really hard to use ts2024 with this UI issue

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Message 3 of 3