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Report multiple failures with TestStand reporting

I'm pretty new to TestStand so please bear with me. I'm using LabView to test a connector on a digital interface board. So I'm reading and writing dig. signals on say 15 pins in a test. I'm using TestStand to run my VI's. When a test fails TestStand seems to only report one measurement at a time. I want all of the pins that failed to show up in the TestStand report in a format like :
InputPin:A1 OutputPin:B1 Expected:0 Read:1
InputPin:a2 outpuPIn:b1 expected:1 read:0

I tried using the ReportText section of the TestData Cluster but I couldn't format it properly. All of the data sort of runs into each other like this
input:a1 output:b1 expect:0 read:1 input:a2 output:b2

the carriage returns I tried to put in were i
Does anybody know how I can report a lot of failures in one report. I hope I explained properly.Thanks
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Message 1 of 5

Find attached an example using the MultipleNumericLimitTest step type.

All it does is use the array found in Locals call Digital as the DataSource for the Limits. You can check this by selecting the step and doing a right mouse click - select Edit Limits. Then select the Data source Tab. I have add 16 Measurements, one for each of the array elements.

This will give a you a result of each element of the array in the report for that step. But by default it will look like:
Measurement[0] (Measurement 0):
Low: 0b1
Comparison Type: EQ (==)
Data: 0b0
Status: Failed

To get the format you require will mean modifying the report sequence file.

Hope this helps a bit
Ray Farmer
Message 2 of 5
Thanks Ray, but one more question. I'm testing a connector that consists of say, 10 pins. If one or more of them fail I want this reported. How can I get the pin names to appear in the report so the operator knows which pins are failing?

Thanks again
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Yes you can name each measurement in the Edit Limits dialog. I have modified the example sequence and each measurement has the name 'Test Pin x' now in the report you would see :
Measurement[0] (Test Pin 1):
Low: 0b1
Comparison Type: EQ (==)
Data: 0b0
Status: Failed

You will see that the prevoius displayed text was 'Measurement 0'has been replaced by the new text supplied.

Ray Farmer
Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5
Thanks Ray,

What I previously started doing, because my test was originally written as a pass/fail test, is testing all of the pins on the connector, capturing all of the failures in arrays, formatting the text, and sending it in the report text of the test data cluster. I haven't worked with these multiple numeric tests so this is a big help.
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Message 5 of 5