03-04-2019 11:47 PM
03-05-2019 09:07 AM
The best thing you can to is study the TestStand I manual from the training and use TestStand.
I've put together practice exams: https://forums.ni.com/t5/NI-TestStand/CTD-and-CTA-Practice-Exams/td-p/2540340
You won't find the actual questions from the CTD though.
03-06-2019 01:21 AM
This I'm having already ,but In exam v vl not get like diz questions..!!
03-06-2019 09:11 AM
The best I can say is study the TestStand I manual. You are correct. The questions on the exam will use 2 or 3 topics per question. My practice exams focus on 1 topic per question.