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Processus TestStand

I'm using TestStand 3.0 and Windows XP SP1 ; my CPU is a Centrino 1.7Go ; I have no hyperthreading activated.
Just afer launching TestStand Editor, the new processus "SeqEdit.exe" appears in my windows Task Manager and takes and keeps 99% Processor resources (associated to 25 640Ko memory used) while I'm not using TestStand !
If I open an "Option" dialog box of TestStand (ex : Configure > Station Options), the processor rate used fall to 0% and then return to 99%.
If I open MS-Outlook, the processor rate used remains at 99%, and it's very difficult to use Outlook which run very slowly !
I have overwritten every configuration file with original files and nothing change.
My colleagues don't have this problem on  their computer.
What should I do (before trying to reinstall TestStand) ?
Thanks for your suggestions
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5
Your problem description has not been referenced on our internal base. Do you have tried to decrease the priority level of the "SeqEdit.exe" processus in the Windows device Manager? If the behavior remains the same, I advise you to reinstall TestStand.
Best regards.
Matthieu G.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5


I have tried to decrease the priority level of the "SeqEdit.exe" processus in the Windows device Manager, but the problem is still present !

I have tried to completely reinstall TS3.0, but the problem is still present !

What should I do exept completely reinstall my Laptop ?


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Emmanuel -
There was a behavior that we worked around in TestStand where a video driver caused the sequence editor to repeatedly receive Windows messages.  Each time the sequence editor processed the message, another one was generated by the driver.  This issue was discovered in 2003 with TestStand 3.0 and it was fixed in TestStand 3.1.  I do not know if this is the same problem that you are seeing but it probably is. 

The problem surfaced after the customer updated their driver using Microsoft's update utility. The driver that exhibited the problem was NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 420. The customer was able to workaround the problem by disabling the nView Desktop Manager in the NVIDIA nVIEW video driver utility.

Hope this helps...

Message Edited by Scott Richardson on 09-21-2005 09:53 AM

Scott Richardson
Message 4 of 5
HI Scott
My video driver is "Quadro FX Go700" and I'm using nView.
I have updated my driver using Microsoft's update utility.
Now, I have disabled nView only for TestStand (SeqEdit.exe) and I do not have the problem any more.
Thank you very much for your information.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 5