This mods is to the LabVIEW OI supplied with TS2.0.1 and labVIEW 6.1
In the TestStand - Runtime Operator Interface.vi, the cmdline is obtained and the full path to the sequence file is stored in a global variable. When the Sequence Display is launched and the case First Time is executed. The cmd line global is checked for an empty string, if its not then the string is concatated with the string 'Open Sequence File - No Prompt|' and put on the message queue. This will result in the sequence file being opened.
The cmd line parsing is pretty basic. the argument is nothing or the full pathname to the sequence file.
If this is what you are after then send your email to ray.farmer@talk21.com
I tried to attach the vi's but I am having some problems with thi
s. Probably a size restriction.
Hope this helps.
Ray Farmer
Ray Farmer