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Error in Labview-teststep when using Runtime-adapter


i am using Labview and testand version 2022.


I have a problem executing a sequencefile with a labview-teststep that calls a DLL-function.

Direct under Teststand the teststep executes normally with Labview-Adapter = Runtime (autoselect)


Running the same in my custom c# opui  i get the attached error popup.

But when i switch to Adapter= Development, then it is working.


What can be the problem here?


Thanks for help

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Message 1 of 15


attached the detailed log from the error message.


When i remove the DLL from the VI then the teststep is running.

When i call only the dll as Donet-step then the dll is also running


But the error appears when executing a sequence with the VI containing the dll and running in runtime-mode




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Message 2 of 15

Does you C# OI happen to call the same DLL?


LabVIEW calling .net modules can be a PITA when using assemblies outside of the GlobalAssemblyCache (GAC).


Where is the dll located in respect to the calling VI?

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Message 3 of 15

Yes, this dll is only oe time on the computer

The DLL is in a subdirectory below the VI.

The DLL is found from the  VI via the searchpath defined in labview at Tools->Options->Path->VI search path

Also in Teststand this path is defined.




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Message 4 of 15

Would you mind trying with the DLL in the same directory as the VI?

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Message 5 of 15

No difference 😞

(I moved the DLL to same location then opened the VI which notices the new location. Then saved the vi)

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Message 6 of 15

Is the D Drive you are using a "real" drive or a mounted folder? If mounted... which method are you using for mounting?


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Message 7 of 15

It is a real drive.

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Message 8 of 15

Thanks for clarifiying!


So.... the sequence-editor is "just another" OI which is actually accessing the same API calls you C# OI is.


Have you tried using one of the example OIs that come with TestStand? Maybe we can get a hint where the difference lies


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Message 9 of 15

It is working with the this UI:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand 2022 (32-bit)\UserInterfaces\Simple\CSharp\TestStand 2022 (32-bit) C# Simple UI


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