09-01-2016 11:03 PM
Hi All,
My code module to be deployed uses some VI's from user.lib. When I'm trying to create the deployment, in LabVIEW options I'm excluding all files from vi.lib,user.lib and instr.lib. After creating the deployment, still my code module looks for the VI's from user.lib in SupportVIs folder which is parallel to the deployed folder. I don't know why it is still looking in SupportVIs folder instead of taking it from user.lib. Please share your thoughts about this.
Thanks in advance!
09-06-2016 01:20 AM
In the LabVIEW VI Options dialog did you select the three exclusions i.e
Exclude Files from VI lib
Exclude Files from User lib
Exclude Files from Instr lib
09-06-2016 01:28 AM
Hi Ray,
I have already selected all three options to exclude.
09-06-2016 01:52 AM
What Teststand version are you using.
I tried TestStand 2010 and that was fine.
09-06-2016 01:53 AM
TestStand 2014
09-06-2016 04:00 AM
I rebuilt my project with TS2014.
This built the deployment correctly ie no vi's from instr.lib, vi.lib or user.lib.
If I deselected the instr.lib in the options dialog and rebuilt the deployment then I got a support folder with the instr.lib vi's and lib files.
are you able to post your project?
Note: I did have a lot of issues converting from TS2010 to TS2014 to get the analyser not to error and the 2014 deployment tool to analyser without errors.